SPCA East Texas Pets 4 Vets is tailored to the needs, wants, and hopes of each of our Veterans. We take the time to listen and find the animal that will bring the most support and comfort. While the majority of our animal companions are dogs, we’ve also placed cats! We invite any U.S. Veteran who could benefit from having a companion animal to apply.

Many brave troops return home with scars – both seen and unseen – that make it difficult to transition back to civilian life. At the same time, millions of wonderful animals are waiting for a forever home. It’s a match waiting to be made and we’re ready to help!
When a Veteran is matched with the right pet, both lives change for the better. The Veteran saves the animal and welcomes him/her into a loving home. The pet provides the Veteran with unconditional love and support, easing stress, depression, loneliness, and anxiety. Together, they share a bond that provides them both with a whole new “leash” on life.
If you are interested in bringing a pet into your home, please reach out to our team at spca@spcaeasttx.com. We will work with you to find the best placement and sponsor their adoption fee.
We also understand the hardships that come with serving our country. If you have fallen on hard times and need assistance caring for your pets, we will work to assist you. We strive to be a community resource and also operate a Community Pet Food Pantry.