Photo by Alicia Jones on Unsplash
Losing a pet can be a stressful situation. There are several reasons that a pet could go missing; a dog could get lost on a walk, get scared and run off, or even end up chasing something fun and enticing that takes them out of the garden. However, there are many ways that you can find your pet and bring them home. If you are lucky they may end up finding their way back to you, but it is best to get a search method going as soon as possible.
- Pets can run off or get scared off by loud noises (fireworks) causing them to become lost
- Flyers, websites, social media are great tools to spread the word about a missing pet
- Driving around the neighborhood and checking in at pet shelters and vets daily can be super helpful to find your pet
- Over 90 percent of lost dogs and under 75 percent of cats come back home
- Leaving their food and favorite toys outside can lure them back home
What to do if your pet goes missing
- Is your pet microchipped? This could greatly help your search as we explain in the paragraph below.
- Make flyers with as much description of your missing pet as possible. Using a picture is also helpful as well as leaving your contact details on the flyers. Offer a reward if you can afford to do so.
- Place and hand out these lost pet flyers everywhere that you can, mostly at the places that you last saw your pet. You should also target grocery stores, vets, animal shelters, and around your neighborhood. Bring tape in case you need to hang up the flyer on street lamps.
- Check-in at the local vet, animal shelters and rescue organizations daily. Let them know that your pet has gone missing so that they too can be on the lookout.
- You should also drive around the neighborhood as much as you can in case you spot them.
- If you can afford to, place information in your local newspapers.
- Let your social media friends and followers know that you are searching for your pet, you can also post in groups about missing pets (but look for the ones that are related to your area).
- Always stay calm and do not forget to look after yourself. Looking for a pet could make you forget to eat, sleep, and (of course) stress you out. You cannot search if you become unwell.
- Do not give up since it can take months to get your pet back home. But, keep at it with force and determination.
- There are also some websites about missing pets where you can post that yours is lost or you can check if someone has posted that they have found a pet matching the description of yours.
- You should also place their food and favorite toys outside overnight in an attempt to draw them home. You can also speak to your vet about setting a safe trap for them that would not hurt them but keep them in place.
The power of a microchip
We believe that having a microchip on your lost pet is one of the best ways to find them. A microchip is a tiny device (the size of one-grain rice) that can be inserted under the pet’s skin, in between their shoulders. The discomfort of inserting the chip is very minimal and they will forget about it in a split second. Each chip has a number on it that is registered to the database where the chip came from. At the database, there will be your contact information if your pet goes missing. Vets, animal shelters, etc. can get the chip scanned to contact you if they find your pet. This would mean that you are more likely to get your pet safely home sooner.
Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
Facts about missing pets
The best way to find your lost pet is to search straight away. Plus, letting as many people as you can know that your furry friend is missing can also add a boost to your quest. You can achieve this through flyers, social media, and other internet resources such as the missing pets websites. Plus, check-in at the vet and animal shelter daily. Some statistics to motivate you:
- 93% of dogs and 75% of cats who were reported missing were reunited with their owners
- About 49 percent of pet owners found their dogs in their neighborhood by searching.
- About 30 percent of cats were found by their owner in their neighborhood.
How to prevent pets going missing?
The best way to avoid your pet going missing is to make sure that they are on a leash when on walks. You can also put a tracker on them. For dogs, especially, make sure that they feel safe during firework displays so as not to get frightened and run off. Owners of indoor cats often use cat ID tags to let passers-by know who to contact should their cat ever be found outside. If your pet is lost, keep calm and keep on searching, you will find them or they will find you. Do not forget to ask for help and look after yourself.