Felix is a 3 year old Poodle mix who weighs 11.5 lbs. He was surrendered to the SPCA East Texas by his owner who could no longer care for him. We had him professionally groomed because he was covered in horrible matting. He was also treated for severe ear infections that were causing him excruciating pain. Felix is being treated for heartworms and has been neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. We cannot be sure that he is considered hypoallergenic since he is a mixed breed. Families who are interested in adopting Felix should keep in mind the extra expense he will require for regular grooming. He is working on housebreaking and is doing well with kennel training. Felix is quiet and has a friendly demeanor. We know that he would love to have someone to cuddle up to every night. If you are interested in adopting Felix, please complete an online…